Director Since: 2003
John McCluskey is the President and Chief Executive Officer of Alamos Gold Inc. and has held this
position since 2003, when he co-founded the Company with mining hall of famer Chester Millar.
Mr. McCluskey is currently a Director of Orford Mining Corporation and a Director at the World Gold Council.
Mr. McCluskey is the recipient of the 2023 Viola R. MacMillan Award,
given by the Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada for showing leadership and a
willingness to take risks in the acquisition and development of the Island Gold mine in Northern
Ontario. In 2018, he received the Murray Pezim Award for Perseverance and Success in Financing
Mineral Exploration by the British Columbia Association for Mineral Exploration, in recognition
of his role in the acquisition, financing, and encouragement of successive discoveries at
Mulatos, as well as his ongoing success as CEO of Alamos. Mr. McCluskey was also named Ontario’s
2012 Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of The Year, based on a judging panel’s assessment of financial
performance, vision, leadership, innovation, personal integrity and influence, social
responsibility, and entrepreneurial spirit.